Registration is CLOSED. The registration deadline was Friday, October 20, 2023, but due to overwhelming interest, we sold out of AMR Conference Registrations and Exhibit spots early on September 11, 2023. There are a limited amount of AMR Field Tour seats left.
IMPORTANT NOTE: In-person “walk-in” registrations will not be honored after the registration deadline due to policies at the venue. Refunds may not be honored after the deadline. Bottom line, please register and pay before the deadline so we can plan accordingly and not have to chase anyone down. These measures help keep costs affordable for all.
Please read all instructions carefully: This year’s registration is “a la carte” style like years past. Click on the links below to help you register to attend the conference, exhibit, and/or register for pre-conference activities. You will be taken to the “EPCAMR Online Store” to add registration items from this page. Once you have selected an item you may return to this page to add additional items to your online shopping cart or continue adding items in the store under the “Registrations” category. The items in the store are also marked as “Featured Items.” Tip: Please do not use your browser’s “Back” button in the store, as it can delete the order you are building. Once you are done, go through the checkout to view your items and finish the registration process. Securely pay with a credit or debit card using our online payment gateway, PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account to use a card and can simply choose the “pay with debit or credit card” option. Our new online store also accepts check/money order payments, but if you prefer to use snail mail and printed registration, contact Michael Hewitt at or (570) 371-3522 for details.
AMR Field Tour (Tuesday, October 24th @ 8AM-3:30PM) Sold Out
AMR Conference Field Tour: $40 REGULAR, $30 non-profit*
This item is for one (1) Field Tour Registration leaving from and returning to the Altoona Grand Hotel, Altoona, PA. This registration guarantees you transportation and lunch/snacks. The vans will leave promptly at 8 AM (eastern time). Please be present 15 minutes before departure to confirm attendance. This item does not include the NASLR award dinner or AMR conference attendance on Wednesday and Thursday.
*Non-profit attendance is offered at a discount. Government employees are included in this category. You may be asked to verify your non-profit status if there is a question by the conference committee.
NASLR Award Dinner and Train Ride (Tuesday, October 24th @ 4:30PM) Sold Out
NASLR Award Dinner and Train Ride: $70
For AMR Conference guests, Tuesday night dinner is on your own, but you may join NASLR for their train ride and award dinner as an option at an additional fee. This item is for one (1) NASLR Award Dinner and Train Ride leaving from and returning to the Altoona Grand Hotel, Altoona, PA. This registration guarantees you transportation and dinner. The bus will leave promptly at 4:30 PM (eastern time). Please be present 15 minutes before departure to confirm attendance. The deadline to register for this item is October 10th. This item does not include AMR field tour or AMR conference attendance on Wednesday and Thursday.
AMR Conference (Wednesday, October 25th to Thursday, October 26th) Sold Out
AMR Conference Registration: $110 REGULAR, $55 non-profit*
This item is for one (1) registration for both days of the 2023 PA Abandoned Mine Reclamation Conference hosted at the Altoona Grand Hotel, Altoona, PA. This registration guarantees you in-person attendance at the conference venue and access to all amenities provided by the AMR conference (ie. break refreshments, lunches Wednesday and Thursday, and Wednesday Dinner). Each attendee must be registered separately as we need their individual email at a minimum for attendance. To pay for multiple attendees at one time follow the instructions provided in the EPCAMR Online Store. This item does not include the AMR tour or NASLR award dinner attendance on Tuesday.
*Non-profit attendance is offered at a discount. Government employees are included in this category. You may be asked to verify your non-profit status if there is a question by the conference committee.
Exhibitors (Wednesday, October 25th to Thursday, October 26th) Sold Out
AMR Conference Exhibit Space: $200 standard or $0 non-profit**
This item entitles the purchaser to one (1) exhibit for both days of the 2023 PA Abandoned Mine Reclamation Conference hosted at the Altoona Grand Hotel, Altoona, PA. This item does not include conference attendance, food, or beverages but allows the exhibitor to set up an in-person exhibit and communicate with attendees who visit the booth. Electricity can be requested, but you will need to bring your own 10′ extension cord. Exhibit set-up starts 7:00 PM on Tuesday, October 24th, and Exhibit Tear Down is expected no later than 4:00 PM Thursday, October 26th. Also, please notify conference planning staff if you plan to bring a stand-alone exhibit and therefore do not need a table. Registrations to attend the conference, dinners, networking events, and tours are purchased separately. Special note: The exhibitor (person) “manning the booth” must have been declared prior to registration closure on September 11th. Unfortunately, no additions will be honored after the fact.
**Non-profit exhibits are free, but space is limited and offered on a first-come, first-serve basis. Government exhibits are included in this category. You may be asked to verify your non-profit status if there is a question by the conference committee. If you would like a non-profit exhibit be sure to check with Anne Daymut at for reservations.
Continuing Education Credits
Professional development hours (PDH) will be offered and certificates will be presented following the conference by the PA AMR Conference Planning Committee specifically for professional geologists, engineers, and surveyors. Attendees that wish to participate should notify Anne Daymut ahead of time so we know to track your hours. Credit hours will be assessed upon the time spent in sessions, which will be verified by session feedback responses. Fill out your name in the session feedback for each presentation you attend so we can verify your attendance. Presenters at the conference are eligible to receive additional credits beyond attending sessions at the conference. The calculation of PDH will end on October 26, 2023.
Looking for a Scholarship?
A discount is worked into registration for non-profits. Additional details about a scholarship are explained on the Lodging Page.